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Bead embroidery

Commentary by Nzila M. Mubusisi (National Museum of Namibia): Glass beads are/were usually sewn onto leather in Namibia, but not in South Africa (Xhosa). Note by S.L.: It is possible that this bead band, like the previous nos. 1341 to 1346, came from Dr Carl Höpfner, although he is not named as the donor/collector in the inv. book at V 1347. It is possible that the bead bands from the Höpfner Collection were made in South Africa and were either acquired by Höpfner there while travelling to/from Europe or in Angra Pequena from sailors on ships coming from South Africa.

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Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim gGmbH
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Cataloguing data

Cultural attribution
keine Zuschreibung
Object type
B: 42 cm, H: 1 cm (ohne Bindebänder)
Object genre
Current location
Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim
Inventory number
RPM_V 1347

Provenance and sources

Late 19th/early 20th century

According to the inv. book "S. W. Afrika" Africa, southern Africa, probably Namibia
unbekannt - Former Possessors

Not clarified
Roemer and Pelizaeus Museum Hildesheim
Not clarified
Secondary literature
Kinahan, Jill, "Cattle for beads: The archaeology of historical contact and trade on the Namib Coast", Uppsala : Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2000

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